S is For Single bebeyhh :DD

24 Mayy im finally singlee :'( Whyy ? Tak perlu tahuuuu :P hEE, 
so currently im searcching for 
someone who is:

  • Handsomeee or Cutee *duhh
  • Good at playing either Guitar or Pianoo. 
  • sweet voicee
  • Romantikk
  • Taller than me
  • Understands me, and what i want
  • Love and care for me till Death tears us apart * HAHA ececeh
  • Love to be in a Long term relationship
  • Clever and loves Photographyy
  • Accept the way i am, the way i look and my attitudee pluss My Ke-manje-ness
  • Andand Beliau haruslhaa sewajibnyaa Manjeeeeee *awwawww <3
Hee, sumpah nak lelaki yang ade semua tuuu kalau bolehhh.
would you Be My Supermannnnn <3 ?

i missed us

I love you 
Boy you don't got nothing to prove to me
I know that times have been rough for the both of us
But i'll pray
for a change

You see this world has lots to offer,
but in time it will go dark
and if this love is what we say it is
I'm sure we will go far
and with a Boy as sweet as you
there's not much else I can do
but fall for you

You know that I'm a wreck
And You know I cant breathe
At the edge of my seat with each word
As the months turn into years
just know that I will wait... here
For you
Cause I pray for a change

You see this world has lots to offer,
but in time it will go dark
and if this love is what we say it is
I'm sure we will go far
And with a boy as sweet as you
There's not much else I can do
but fall for you
I love youu :'( 

I love you My enemy

Yeah i do love you My enemy :')
Tapi kau dh buat mcm ni. Eiiii nyirap doe !Haha, dah la try rapat dgn Bini aku. Haa tak malu. Jealous much. Sebok lhaa kau. Hidup kau, kawan kau, bestie kau, boyfie kau sume aku tk masuk cmpur enn. Yang kau tuu sume fasal aku kau nak semak. Asal , Kau obses dgn aku ea ? Dah la kecoh kat status. Now nak kecoh kat blog bagai plak. Haha, pegi mam. And yeah saye sayangg ADLYNN QISTINA till death iaitu bestie baru sayeee :D  HAHA, enemy lhaa sgd :D
Tape lhaa you. Im sick of this. Byebye, Me no kenal you no more. I love you enemy :")
Muaaaahhhhh <3

The complicate part begins

Its that time of night, that lonely night when usually i'll be texting you. Bt now ? :'(
Hmm, this is why i takutt sgd2 nak couple lah weii :'(
Sebelum ni, dia baik sgd2. Dia text me everyday
Jumpe everyday, tak pernah tk dtg
But now, text mesti kalau i hantar pukul 12 punye text dia balas pukul 3
Ajak date, dia ckp okay nak dtg . But then esok tungu punye tunggu batang hidung pun tk nmpk -,-
Grrr, alasan mcm2 dibaginye.
Hmm, saye tanak marah2, coz takod hilang awk. Tapi awk ni pun. agak2 lah
Hmm, Nevermind lahh.
I redha. Hm, kalau dh tk syg ckp kayy
Tak perlu i buang mase syg someone who doesnt love me back :'(
Gudnitee honeyy. Jage diri you tuu elok2

Heeee :D

Barney Barney Barney,

sebelum tidur lain kali baca blog saye dulu tautau ? Hee, baca yg ini :D
Nah untuk awak

I love you, you love me. 
WE are happy family 
With a great big hug, and a kiss from me to you
Wont you say you love me toooo ;')

Awwww . Hee.
And then now you boleh tiduuurrr :D
Sleep tite barneyyy (:

                                                                                                                                              Love Gary ,


Heeee, Barney is a dinosaur, who has imagination, then blablabla
HAA, saye tk ingad laguu tuuu
Haha, well, Barneyy ini dikenali sebagai ASH COOPER dekadd FB
andand, dia tersgd lah, teamatlah, sungguh, benar2 HOTT lahh weyy :DD
haha, kembang beliau. Sumpah dia baik gilee, peramah , sporting plusplus HANDSOMEE :d
MALANGNYE BELIAU dah ade girlfieee :'(
HAHA, once upon a time, saya pernah minat diaaa :P heeee, *blushing maluu dah nii
HAHA, but then susah kodd nak ngorat dia ==' HAHA,
But ni' over it now (: He's my NEW bestiee nowwww. Ohh barneyy saye sygg awk (:
Dia baiikk weyy, sumpah best gilee bile chat dgn awk. Saye tk pernah bosan kodd. Hee,
Tolonglahh jgn jadi kawan2 saye yg lain, yg suke abaikan sy bile dh dpt kawan baru :')
Hee, korang mesti tertanye2 siape dia, muke dia mcm mane semua kankankan ?
meyh sayee tunjuk. Dengan bangenya, i Present you

ahmad asheeq abd razak

Hee, comel kankankan >? HAHA, kan saye dah kateeee. Dah tak payah nak mengada nak amik dia. HAHA, dia saye punye bestie :P haha, kejam nye sayee kankan ? Biarlahh. peduli ape saye ?;D Kesaaaahhhhh [!] Akhir kata, saye syg awk and i'm proud to be your friend (:



nana, dyaa tak faham lah dgn perangai nana nie. Terlalu emo dho ! Dulu mase kite sekolah same, tade mcm nie pun . Nana dah banyak brubah lah nana, Dyaa terpakse mengaku, dyaa ta sukee nana yang baru nie. Tak best, tak fun mcm dulu. Ingat tak mse kat library dulu, and the mase rehat, amse koko, mase sukan sekola, mse dlm bilik music, bilik APD. Hmm, ingat lagii sema tuh, lagi2, pl nadia suke mase dekadd bookhshop, masyallaaahh :O Banyak gilaaaaaaaaaa nana dah belanja dyaa. Dyaa ngat lagii nana, da boleh masuh Rm. 1000 lebiy koddd semuanya, dari kite darja 3 smpai darjah 6, nana asyik belanjaaaa nadia, fat, alya and semua yang dikenali. Ahaaa, nanamase tuh tak pernahh ckp pasal bunuh diri dho ! Kenape nowdaysss,,, suke sgd2 ckp faasal mati. Hm, nana same gila dgn SUNDAYY. dyaa selalu marah sunday coz suke sgd2 ckp about mati. Sedih taw bile dgr. Dyaa syg sunday and nana, bile orang talk about dying, it means you guys are leaving me :'( And thats why i tak suke,nty siapa nak buli DENNIS ? ahaaa. sape nak pggel dyaa gemokk lagi. Hm, dyaa sayang nana sgd2. Kalau kite gaduh pun kan, mesti okay balik., cOZ KITE TAK BOLEH HIDUP TANPA EACH OTHR KAN NANA KAN ?
I loveyoulah nenek hitamm <333

Bored to death

I'm super deeeee duper bored. Seriously tak tahu and tak reti nak buat ape ! :'(
Bosannye lah my life nie kan. Tak tahu kenape i still bosan eventhough tgh text dgn boyfie, chat dgn nina, capix, ayyee,shariman, yaya and 2 more buddies, edit blog, edit twitter, edit myFlog, andand youtube-ing but i'm still bored, actly kan banyak jugak dho bnde yang aku tgh buat nie. HAHA xD. Kenape lah i'm still bored. Suppose i'm webbie-ing with my hubby, but then his uncle dah simpan lappy, so tak boleh, haih .So nak buat apeee nie ? I tanye sunday, He said :Baring sama2 ? HAHA, ish, org serious nieeeee ! Bosan,
B to the O to the S to the A to the N, : BOSAN ! Gimme idea please ? Huh, macam kau boleh bagi idea kankan ? Nvermind, i'll just sit here and tekan2 keyboard nie smpai rosakk :D
P/s : Siape2 yang ade kredit lebiyh, call lah saye yah. sumpah saye boredd gilakk nie -______-

A day to remember

Kiss Photography Graphics

19 november 2010 , 8.00 pm
it was raining , and i felt extremely bored !
bosan sangad2 , selalunye time bosan i akn call dia ,
but , tah malam nehh tibetibe takut sangad2 nak call dia ,
takut i gngu dia , sbb slalunye dia free time malam2 or pagi2 jehh
so i mintak izin from my dad to go out ,
my dad kate boleh , but i must be back before 12
(chewah , macam cinderella pulakk kene balek sbelum kul 12 , HAHA
hmm , then i took my jacket with me coz tgh hujan renyai2 ,
i pun terus pegi lah jalan2 at taman dpn rumah saye itu
saye terfikir kan dia sepanjang jalan !
hmm , nak call ke tak nak call tak ?
hmm , tak mau lah ,
then i pun dduk kat buaian yg ade kat taman tuhh smbil dgr lagu and texting bestie i ,
sejam kemuadian
tibetibe jehh , ade sorg mamat nehh dtg ,
tak tahu lah sape , sbb mase tuhh gelap and tak clear sgd muke dia
i pun buad tak tahu je lah ,
tibetibe dy tegur ,

dia : hey , nadia eyh ?
saye : yeahh , woahhh , mcm mane you boleh ade kat sini ?
dia : ohh , i dtg lepak rumah membe i kat sini , :)
saye : aww , at last dpt jumpe , actly tady i nak call you tpy takut gngu :p
dia : eyh , mane de , you tak penah ganggu i , :D

*and then we kept talking and laughing and talking and laughing
it was fun , he was haaa la rious and dia selalu buad saye gelakk ohh :DD
then suddenly , kriinnnnnggggggggggggggggg
my cell phone rang ,
hhmm , it was my dad . dia suruh i balik sekarang jugakk .
hmm dgn hati yg berat nehh i bgthu dy

saye : awkk , saye kene balekk . sorry awk , sorry sangad2
dia : hmm ,asal ?
saye : ayh saye suruh balek .. :(
dia : alaa , tunggu lah kejap , kejap jhehh lagi
saye : hmm okay awkk :)

then kite smbung berbual-bual .
hee , tibe2 awk pegang tgn sye , awww . terharu nye saye .
best lah awk , tapy kenape ?
saje ... awk kate
then dia makin lame makin romantik woahhh ,
suwme ayat2 jiwang dia keluar , hee
but paling best , he called me POLAR BEAR !
haha , pe lahh awk nehh ! then i pun mule berjiwang ngan dia
aww , awk sweeetttt sgdd2 woahhh
sukesukesuke <3

then tibe2 my phone rang again , hish !
sape pulakk le nehh , mama saye pulak telefon
hmm ,

mama : nadiaaaaaaaaaaaaa , BALIKKKK now !!!!
nadia : okayokayokay :'(

then dia terpakse lepaskan , hmm
dia temankan sye balek , sepanjang jalan blek rumah tuhh dy pegg tgn sye . aww , best sgt2 ,
then after 15 minutes , kite dah sampai , hmm .

awakk , saye balek dulu yehh ..
susah nye saye nak berpaling dry awk , hmm , saye terpakse .
bru je amik satu langkah , dia tarik tgn saye , and thhen dia terus peluk saye .
aww , saye mule menitiskan air mate ,
then awk kate , youu.... i sygg you sgd2
awww , lagi lah saye tanak balek ohh kalau mcm nehh , :'(

saye : hmm bye my prince ,
dia : by princess
saye : iloveyouso muchh
dia : iloveyoutoo ,

then sye bru amek stu langkah nak balek , awk tarik sy lagy ,
awk terus kiss pipi saye ,
awww , best nye dpt kisss dry awk , then saye kiss awk balek ,
hmm , awkkk iloveyouhh
then .....
kali niehh, awk terpakse lepaskan sy betul2 , sbb ayh saye dah panggel
tuhh , huarghhhhhh .. :"(
sedihnye saye sbb terpakse balek ,
awk mule menangis ...
saye cepad2 masuk rumah and call awk , hee :')
dapat dgr suare awk lagy , yeay !
then awk pujuk2 saye ,
awk ayat saye dgn ayat2 romantik awk tuhh , best woahh .
kite bergayut smpai kul 3 kankankan ?
haha ,

the end <3

written by :  devil cupix
edited and produced by  :  dyaa rochero


heyy :))

Hi my name is nadya affeyra, sometimes when i'm bored, i draw people in my head. I listen to music a lot but the best times are usually when i'm on the bus. I don't think many people know about me because I keep a low profile. On days when i'm upset, i paint my toe nails and red is my favourite color. I have white feet, they remind me of porcelain. My eyes resemble almonds and my lids look like define lines imprinted in clay. I wish I were somebody else, maybe superman perhaps, my red cape in the wind, ever so free. My blog is a collection of my perspectives, thoughts and emotions. I write when I write, what I write. Your critism is not welcomed.